Machine Defaults
Once a sheet metal bend is tooled, click on the settings icon and select Machine Defaults. This will open a new window where the selected press brake settings is available.
Bend-CAM Settings, Bend Outputs and Bend View settings are similar to the Application settings. |
Beam cycle
Mute point (distance above sheet surface) - At the mute point, the max speed (Rapid down) is automatically switched over to the reduced speed (Clamping).
Mute point for hemming -
Slow speed to pinch point -
Pinch-point delay -
Bending speed -
Bend hold -
Decompress speed -
Auto-compute decompress distance -
Decompress distance -
Minimum ram opening -
Back-gauge movement
z axis speed -
X axis speed -
R speed -
Movement trigger -
Movement delay -
Movement path - Safe velocity: The backgauge moves around the danger zone at the programmed speed (50 mm behind and above the tool). The backgauge will move forwards in a final step (X axis)The backgauge will move at reduced speed when the distance between the gauge finger and the tool is less than 50 mm.
Safe path: The backgauge moves around the danger zone at the programmed speed (50 mm behind and above the tool)The backgauge will move downwards in a final step (R axis). All axes move at the programmed speed.
Parallel retraction (along with beam opening) -
Other settings
Min. overhang of bend beyond tooling -
Minimum punch-die gap -
Bending aid UP speed -
Bending aid DOWN speed -
Operator console/foot switch -